These IRIS tutorials are collections of m-files and pdf files (created by publishing the m-files). Each tutorial usually includes its own master file: read_me_first.m and read_me_first.pdf. This is the best place to start.

General Modeling Topics

Simple Sticky Price Business Cycle Model [Open the Repository]

In this tutorial, we build a simple sticky-price business-cycle model (SPBC), and run a number of basic and more advanced experiments to illustrate typical tasks in practical model development and operation. The experiments include, for instance, steady-state comparative statics, dynamic simulations, estimation, filtering of historical data, and forecasting.

OLG Model [Coming Soon…]

Using some of the IRIS preparser language features, we create an overlapping generation model whose number of cohorts can be flexibly changed by a parameter. We analyze its steady-state properties and dynamic simulations.

Optimal Policy Models under Discretion and Commitment [Open the Repository]

In this tutorial, we describe how to create two types of optimal policy model specifications based on a loss function, discretion and commitment, and run various types of experiments with models based on them. The experiments include simulating shocks, simulation disinflation, and drawing policy frontiers to describe policy trade-offs.

Equation-Selective Nonlinear Simulations [Coming Soon…]

We simulate models in an equation-selective nonlinear mode (equivalent to perfect-foresight or stacked-time solution methods) and explain how anticipated and unanticipated shocks need to be treated in such simulations. We run a Kalman filter that uses a nonlinear prediction step based on the same simulate technique.

Unit-Root Models [Open the Repository]

In this tutorial, we show how to build and handle models with unit-root variables, such as balanced-growth path models. In IRIS, unit-root models do not need to be stationarized, and can be built, simulated and analyzed with the variables in their original levels.

Model File Language and Preparser

Model File Language [Coming Soon…]

We create and preparse various model file examples to illustrate the use of the IRIS preparser commands and pseudofunctions. Note that we use the 'saveAs=' option in the model function to save the pre-parsed model files for us to be able to look at what the pre-parser commands exactly do.

Time Series Analysis and Forecasting


Introduction to VAR Models [Open the Repository]

This tutorial is an introduction into VAR modeling in IRIS. We prepare data, estimate a reduced-form VAR, check its properties, and assess the sampling uncertainty by bootstrapping. We then produce conditional and unconditional forecasts, and show how to identify a structural VAR (SVAR).

VARs with Sign Restrictions [Coming Soon…]

We show the identification of structural VARs based on sign restrictions, or other, more general, types of underdetermined identifying assumptions.

Panel VARs [Coming Soon…]

We explain the basics of panel VAR estimation and simulation in IRIS. The tutorial highlights the differences between plain VARs and panel VARs, and methods of comparing the two.

FAVAR Forecasting [Coming Soon…]

We develop a factor-augmented VAR model to forecast a large number of U.S. macroeconomic indicators.

BVAR Forecasting [Coming Soon…]

We develop a VAR model to forecast a number of U.S. macroeconomic indicators, and use prior restrictions (Bayesian VAR) to deal with the overfitting problem.


Reporting Equations [Coming Soon…]

Reporting equations are an easy option how to evaluate a collection of equations in a non-simultaneous time-recursive way, i.e. equation by equation, period by period. Reporting equations can be created in three different ways: (i) as an rpteq object directly in an m-file or command prompt, (ii) as an rpteq object created by reading a separate file describing the equations, or (iii) as !reporting_equations in model files. This tutorial shows how to create and run reporting equations in all three ways.

Introduction to Reporting in IRIS [Coming Soon…]

This tutorial is an introduction to the reporting system in IRIS. It explains the report object and its basic elements, such as tables and graphs, and shows how to publish reports to PDF. Furthermore, it illustrates somewhat more sophisticated ways how to format, modify and customize the report elements.